Historic Preservation

Heritage Village proudly adheres to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for all historic preservation projects involving its historic structures. Since 1976, references in the Pinellas County Historical Society’s board minutes reveal that the concept of Heritage Village was inspired by the Bicentennial movement towards historic preservation and emphasized the importance of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. To maintain consistency and best practices in each preservation project, Heritage Village has developed an internal Preservation Manual, Treatment Plan Templates, and a list of preservation-quality materials specific to its historic structures. Drawing heavily from “The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties,” and utilizing the National Park Service Conserve O Grams, these resources help standardize the preservation process on-site.

Situated within Pinellas County’s Parks and Conservation Resources Department, Heritage Village benefits from the department’s commitment to preserving the county’s park land, environmentally sensitive areas, and rich history. With access to an annual operating budget, capital improvement funding, and the CityWorks asset management system, Heritage Village can effectively track and maintain all maintenance, repair, and restoration records indefinitely.

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